Naming and Organizing Files
In my Logic folder I have all the Logic files for each cue. When I revise a cue or create a new version of a cue, I create a new Logic file. Don’t overwrite you’re previous version incase you need to reference it or incase the filmmaker says they actually preferred a previous version after all.
In some projects that’s might lead to a lot of Logic files. The best solution I’ve found is to create a folder called “OLD” in the logic folder and put all the old versions of cues in there. This ensures that you have them if you need them, while keeping your main folder streamlined with only the current versions of cues.
My personal system for organizing and titling cues is starting the title with the sequential number of the cue so that the cues appear in the order that they would be in the film. For example “01_Opening”. etc.
When Exporting cues to send to clients, I title them a specific way. There is some variation to this, occasionally, depending on the project but generally I title my exported files as follows:
An example would be:
See also sections on Cue Sheets (as it relates to organizing cues, names, sequential, etc.) and sending music.